Organize/Space Clearing Your Home

What is clutter?   Clutter is a collection of things lying about in an untidy mass; according to the dictionary.   Clutter can also means stuff which has accumulated over time in home and has not had any of our attention for while, such as a garage stuffed with everything except the car, overflowing with things in drawers, news papers, or cupboards and so on.

Can clutter effect the home and people live in there?  Yes, very much!  Clutter have a dramatic effect on our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical well being.   According to Feng Shui, energy tends to build up in areas that are cluttered and messy as it can not flow freely, and the area begins to make us feel confuse, stagnant, drain, and unhealthy.  The reason to be clutter free home in our home is not time consuming or effort but it is a very emotional involved to go through the process.

Constantly clutter free home is not possible and please do not strive for perfection either.  But if we develop a system that would keep our home clutter free; is possible. 

Please call, text, or email for more information about Space Clearing Services.

