House Cleansing with Sage, Sea Salt, or Resin

All of us have a place we call “Home Sweet Home”, and our home can give off different vibrations which depend on our living lifestyle, how we maintain, how the house is built, and where the premises is.  Our home can be sick and also make us, our pet(s), or plant(s) sick.

If you just move into a new home, apartment or just renting one, even you have lived in for years.  It’s always a good idea to have the home cleans or bless.  To make sure there is nothing imprint in the house, apartment or office from the previous occupant, from a visitor(s), or from you who bring in stagnant energy through your negative though forms, through work, or through crowded places and so on, it is great comfort and peace to have your home cleans once a while.

If you are in the process of selling your home, it is good idea to smudge and cleans off unresolved issues or emotion attachment which might repel potential buyers.

For your safety, if you are carrying out your own smudging, please complete extinguish your sage bundle afterward.

The white sage herb is a very powerful cleansing, protection, longevity, and purification tool that comes from the Native American peoples centuries ago. It has the ability to clear all negative energy in home, you and your love ones energy field (body), and proving a cleansed space that can be filled with love, joy, peace, and health. Sage – Salvia- is Latin word Salvare means “To Heal”.

Resin incense is the original incense of temples, churches and ancient rites.  The resin is natural and is direct raw materials from the aromatic plants themselves so while doing the cleansing of you home, the fragrant is quality scents which you can inhale safely.

Having certain plants who’s qualities are renowned for neutralizing toxins and replacing polluted air with clear; such as Peace Lilly (Spathiphyllum), Heart Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron Oxycardium), Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea Sefrizii), are perfect choices to have around the home. Of cause you are not gonna get all of these plant in your home but if you want to... Ask and just pick whoever (plant) get your attention. This site have 15 house plant and you can find more information about each plant and their property (job).

Please call or email for more information about my House Cleansing Services.

